Election integrity is a term that refers to the international standards and global norms governing the appropriate conduct of elections. It is also used to describe the outcome of policies that protect elections from domestic and foreign interference, improve election administration, and prevent voter fraud.
Election integrity matters for multiple reasons, such as:
 - It enhances political legitimacy by strengthening public confidence in electoral institutions, a sense of external political efficacy, and satisfaction with the performance of democracy.
 - It fosters civic activism by increasing voter turnout and civic engagement levels while dampening the propensity to engage in protest politics.
 - It improves political representation by improving electoral accountability and, thus, the responsiveness of elected officials to deliver private and collective goods.
 - It promotes security by accommodating all groups through electoral channels, thereby reducing the underlying grievances leading to electoral violence, widespread unrest, and civil wars.
 - It supports democratization, encouraging the macro-level consolidation of democratic procedures, norms, and institutions.
Therefore, election integrity is necessary for ensuring that every eligible voter gets to vote and that only eligible ballots are counted, as well as for deepening democracy.
Without Election Integrity enforcement , America will turn into a dictatorship.