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Poll Workers and Election Integrity Michigan

Writer's picture: Jon M. StoutJon M. Stout


Roles and Responsibilities in the Election Process, voter fraud, election fraud. election integrity.

Election Integrity Law in Michigan

Election Integrity law in Michigan is detailed in Act 116 of 1954, which consolidates and adds to previous election laws. It covers a wide range of topics, including election officials, nomination and election of candidates, primaries and elections, and election law violations, among others​​. The specific laws governing elections are contained in Chapter 168 of the Michigan Compiled Laws​​.

Poll Workers and Election Integrity Michigan

Election inspectors, known as poll workers, are crucial in the execution of these laws. They have various responsibilities, such as processing voters, handling absentee ballots, securing voting equipment, and publishing results. There have been recent challenges in Michigan, as in other states, with recruiting a sufficient number of qualified election inspectors from all political parties.

It's imperative that these inspectors perform their duties impartially and adhere to the law without disrupting or interfering with voting and election administration​​.

Election Integrity Eligibility Critiera

Election inspectors must meet specific eligibility criteria, including submitting accurate information on their applications and taking an oath to support the constitution and faithfully discharge their duties. State law prohibits individuals from serving as election inspectors if they have immediate family members running for office in the election, if they have been convicted of an election crime or felony, or if they misrepresent their political party preference​​.

Election Integrity Chain of Command

In terms of chain of command, election inspectors must answer only to their designated election officials and serve in an impartial role. An inspector who fails to follow directions from their city or township clerk may be dismissed​​. Election inspectors are also bound by the duty to follow applicable local, state, and federal laws. This includes not intimidating or harassing voters, not disrupting elections through disinformation, and not improperly challenging a voter’s eligibility.

Election Integrity Penalties

Violating these laws can lead to removal from their position and potentially significant criminal and civil liability​​.

Moreover, election inspectors do not have the discretion to determine who can vote and which ballots count. They must follow the law and instructions from their election jurisdiction. This includes accommodating voters with limited English proficiency and handling absentee voter ballots in a specific manner​​.

Finally, certain tasks must be completed by election inspectors in bipartisan teams to limit access to ballots, voting equipment, and other sensitive materials without proper oversight.

Tampering with or improperly removing election equipment is a felony offense​​.

Overall, Michigan's election laws are comprehensive and designed to ensure the integrity and fairness of the electoral process, with specific rules and constraints placed on those who play a role in this process, such as election inspectors.

Enforcement however, is critical for the upcoming elections. Roles and Responsibilities in the Election Process, voter fraud, election fraud. election integrity.

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